Ease Of Use, Reports, Subscriptions, To Do Lists, Trust Accounting Free Trial
Excelsior Insight is a low cost Windows based Booking Management System designed by and for UK travel agents. Excelsior Insight will dramatically reduce the amount of time you and your staff spend managing your bookings. Here are just some of the reasons Insight will help you run your business more efficiently.
At a time when most of the business world has adopted Windows as its operating system of choice most of our competitors are still producing outdated DOS based programs and selling them for thousands of pounds. Excelsior Insight is available at a fraction of this cost but with all the important features you would expect in a Booking Management System. Best of all Insight is available on a free trial!
Ease Of Use
Most people agree that Windows programs are easier to use than DOS programs. Insight has
never been a DOS program, it was designed to exploit the Windows environment to ensure
that it is easy to use. Wherever possible Excelsior Insight uses previously stored
information to reduce the amount of typing and restrict the opportunity for data entry
errors. Customer booked with you before? Just select from a list of existing customers
stored in Excelsior Insights customer database and you can start entering
information on their new booking with the minimum amount of typing. Find yourself always
typing the same old sentences on a booking? Create an AutoText entry and you need never
type that sentence again.
Entering payments and receipts is simplicity itself. Regardless of whether the customer is paying you or you are passing their credit card direct to the tour operator Excelsior Insight always knows how much is due. You need never lose sight of a commission again. The Outstanding Payments/Receipts screen shows you all your outstanding creditors and debtors at a touch of button.
Any computer system is only as good as the quality of information it allows you to get out
of the system. Excelsior Insight comes supplied with a wide range of reports which allow
you to look at your business in ways that just wouldnt be possible with a manual
system. Thats why the program is called Insight! Its possible to analyse your
sales by booking category, sales clerk, supplier, customer or advertising campaign. Each
of these sales reports can be performed over any date period specified by the user.
Excelsior Insight doesnt provide reports just on sales figures there are also
insurance returns, supplier statements, booking histories, supplier VAT invoices,
outstanding balances, outstanding commissions and a host of other reports that ensure that
top quality analysis of your business is only ever a few key strokes away.
To Do Lists
There's more to administering bookings than chasing payments and issuing Invoices. That's
why Insight includes such features as customisable To Do Lists. These allow you to diarize
any event connected with a booking that you feel is important, so you can give yourself
reminders to check Wait Lists or check that special requests have been carried out.
Because the this aspect of Insight is completely customisable you can adapt to fit your
own agency's individual needs.
Trust Accounting
From the outset Excelsior Insight was designed to accommodate and ease the demands of
operating a trust account. The program comes supplied with a bank account designated as a
trust account. Excelsior Insight keeps track of each and every penny paid into this
account not only on a per booking basis but also on a per item basis. Members of the
Travel Trust Association will appreciate the care and thought that has gone into designing
the trust accounting facilities. Excelsior Insight will advise when and how much money can
be claimed from the trust account. Also included are a number of reports designed
specifically for TTA members. These reports will generate all the paperwork required to
operate your trust account with the minimum of fuss including monthly TTA and trustee
returns, cheque requests to trustees and commission claims. TTA members have reported that
the trust facilities alone save them many hours each month.
Excelsior Insight is licensed on a monthly subscription basis. The monthly subscription
fee is kept to a minimum and you only keep paying for as long as you want to use the
product. Theres no minimum sign up period. The fee includes a licence to Excelsior Insight (the
same fee also gets you up to a five-user network version), a comprehensive manual, free
telephone support for the duration of your subscription and free upgrades to future versions of Excelsior Insight as and when
they become available. Some of our competitors will charge you each time that they improve
their products. We find that by ensuring that all our subscribers always have the latest
version of the program it reduces our support costs allowing us to pass on that saving to
you. The design philosophy behind Excelsior Insight is that there is always
something we can do to make it better and more useful to your agency. We encourage our
users to submit their ideas on the features that they would like to see in the program.
Wherever possible we try to accommodate our users requests.
We continually strive to improve Insight and release upgrades on a regular basis. These often incorporate ideas and suggestions from our users. So if you've got an idea on how Insight can be improved please let us know..
Version | Monthly Charge |
Single User | £40 |
Network - up to 5 machines | £40 |
Network - up to 10 machines | £50 |
Network - up to 15 machines | £60 |
All prices are exclusive of VAT. The monthly charge is collected via Standing Order on the 1st of each month.
Free Trial
We're confident that Insight has something to offer most agencies. We're
prepared to offer a free one month no obligation trial. During the trial you
get full use of the software, a copy of our user manual and free telephone and
email technical support. Just click on the apply for free trial link below and
fill in the on screen form.